April Newsletter Room 302 Monday, April 22th, 2019
Dear Parents,
Our students have started practicing Taiko drumming. They have learned some basic facts about playing Taiko: using the wrist to strike the drum rather than using just their arm muscles, saying the different sounds we make in Taiko, which is called kuchisho-ga, and teamwork. Their enthusiasm for learning and memorizing the movement is amazing. Each grade is learning a different song right now. They will be performing Taiko during our Japanese play. The play will be held on Wednesday, May 22nd at 3 PM in the auditorium. Hope many of you can join us!
Along with the play date, we have many important dates to remember:
- Friday, April 26th and Monday, April 29th – no school for students
- Thursday, May 2nd – Laps for Lincoln
- Monday, May 6th at 6 PM – Spring Concert
- Friday, May 10th – Moving up Celebration for Third graders
- Wednesday, May 15th – Field Trip to the Zoo
- Wednesday, May 22nd – Field Day (in the morning), Japanese Play (3 PM)
- Wednesday, May 29th – Field Trip to Washington Park
- Friday, May 31st - Last Day of School (half day)
At the Moving-up Celebration, all the third graders will be reciting the poems that they chose. If you are a third grade parent, please encourage your child to practice and recite their poems with feeling and remind them to go slowly and speak clearly with a strong voice.
Some children have started counting down the days we have left in this school year. There are so many things happening such as field trips, field day and performing a play and it may be difficult for some students to focus on studying. However, when we are in the classroom, we try to have our days as normal as possible. Children have become independent, responsible, thoughtful and critical thinkers over the last several months. I would like to remind them how much they have grown and that this is the time to be serious about finishing well. Your support to talk about this with your child and making this last one month fun and fruitful is so much appreciated.
We need parent volunteers/chaperons for our field trip to the zoo and Washington Park. Please let me know if you can help us out with one or both trips.
Thank you very much for all your support always. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Atsuko O’Keefe